
a cidade e seus pontos turísticos

O município de Urubici está situado a partir dos contrafortes da Serra Geral, no planalto sul catarinense, localizado no Vale do Rio Canoas e Rio Pelotas, na microrregião dos Campos de Lages (figura abaixo), possuindo como regiões limítrofes as microrregiões de Curitibanos, de Rio do Sul, de Ituporanga, do Tabuleiro, de Tubarão, de Criciúma, além do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Tal localização lhe confere características naturais de matas de araucárias centenárias, além de apresentar a presença de imbuias e canelas, permitindo uma flora e uma fauna ricas, diversificadas e de rara beleza. A Pousada Valle do Avencal entende o turismo como uma prática que se relaciona em perfeita harmonia com o espaço natural na medida em que usufrui deste sem acarretar quaisquer danos. Dentro da perspectiva da atividade de ecoturismo, enxergamos o somatório do negócio com o conceito de sustentabilidade, com a própria natureza, com a cultura local e com o conceito de conservação em comunhão com o de desenvolvimento.

Saiba mais

Urubici possui como elementos de sua economia a produção de hortaliças, o cultivo de maçã das espécies gala e fuji, a piscicultura, especialmente a produção de trutas e, sobretudo, o turismo. Ao analisarmos os componentes sensoriais das imagens da paisagem natural do município de Urubici, as formas das araucárias se destacam, assim como os recortes dos cânions e do vale, o cheiro dos pomares de maçãs, as cores dos cultivos de maçã e hortaliças, das flores e da vegetação, os sons do vento, a baixa temperatura de serra, a atmosfera de umidade e de neblina, bem como o fenômeno da viração que rapidamente encobre a paisagem, lhe dando um especial aspecto de mistério.

A diversidade do relevo fez de Urubici, “pássaro brilhante” no idioma xokleng, um dos paraísos do turismo de aventura no país. Programas do gênero não faltam. Pode-se fazer descida de rapel nas cachoeiras e paredões, canoagem em um dos rios da região – há dezenas deles -, cavalgadas por caminhos deslumbrantes e caminhadas por trilhas com variados graus de dificuldade.

Lugar para saltos de asa delta e parapente também não faltam. Outra modalidade muito comum no país, o arvorismo – travessia por trilhas suspensas interligando as copas das árvores -, já pode ser praticada na cidade. O cenário para liberar a adrenalina não poderia ser mais encantador – afinal, não é por acaso que Urubici ganhou o merecido apelido de “Terra de Tesouros”.

A cidade é conhecida por sua natureza exuberante, que se mantém preservada, pelas matas de araucárias, por abrigar no Parque Nacional de São Joaquim o ponto mais alto do sul do Brasil, o Morro da Igreja (Pedra Furada) com uma altitude de 1822m (figura abaixo), além de cachoeiras e cascatas como a do Avencal e a Véu de Noiva – duas entre nada menos que 82 quedas de água catalogadas no território do município. Uma vantagem de Urubici é que boa parte das atrações está na mesma direção, entre os 30 km que ligam o centro da cidade à lendária Serra do Corvo Branco. É um passeio imperdível, cujo encanto não está apenas nas belezas da natureza, mas no contato próximo com os costumes do morador local.

Vários outros passeios podem ser feitos, cujos trajetos são bem sinalizados e não devem deixar de serem visitados, como, por exemplo, as atrações listadas abaixo. O turista ainda tem a opção de contratar um guia local para auxiliá-lo nessas respectivas atrações:

Avencal Waterfall – High part

This is the first stop for those arriving in the city of Urubici or leaving towards São Joaquim.

Avencal derives from Avenca, a common vegetation type in this region. this little bush, that looks like a fern, lies on the cliff walls of the waterfall.

A Avencal Waterfall is divided into two parts, Upper and Lower Part…The Upper part is formed by the Funil creek, that plummets down a large rock wall in a semicircle, forming this spectacular waterfall, com 100 meters high.

Upper part contains:




Open all days, the 9:00h as 17h



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Avencal Waterfall – Low Part

The lower part of Cascata do Avencal is accessible by the same road that leads to Pousada Valle do Avencal. The park is approximately 800 mts away from the Inn. The path is smooth, surrounded by trees and very beautiful, in addition to yielding excellent photos, it is fabulously quiet.




Open all days, the 8:30h as 18h00

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papuan waterfall

Same entrance that goes to the Upper Part of the Avencal Waterfall.

The attractive is modern and planned with excellent structure, all adapted for accessibility.

There is catwalks a little longer 300 meters long that end in a platform-glass gazebo for contemplation of the incredible landscape. The platform is at edge of a cliff of about 120 meters high and where do you see the two beautiful waterfalls!

Everything is very well maintained and integrated into nature., and along the trail there several signs informing about the local flora.




Open all days, the 8:30h as 18h


Cell phone: (49) 99159-1818

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Morro do Paragliding

Morro do Parapente is a private property where tourists can enjoy the sunrise or sunset – best times to enjoy the scenery!

The big attraction are two swings that look like “fly high over Urubici” and it even gives a chill in the belly to go! Next to it, there is a deck to enjoy the view of the city more peacefully.. It is from this hill that athletes depart with their paragliders for incredible aerial tours – hence the name of the place!

And a special tip is to have a picnic on site. (@picnicdeluxo), for you to enjoy the end of the afternoon snacking, tasting a wine and appreciating Urubici from above! Unforgettable!

Access to Morro do Parapente is in the Esquina neighborhood. Continuing to the end of the side street of Churrascaria Tradição (Rua Manoel Pinto de Souza) Turn right. Shortly after climbing a small hill you will see the first sign indicating. From this point there are 4km of dirt road., in good conditions. Some stretches are affected by ditches formed due to the rains., but driving carefully and slowly, even small cars can climb.

📍 Tourist point in the center of Urubici-SC
💛Lovely sunrise and sunset
🕒 Open every day from 6am to 19:30h




Open all days, the 6:00h as 19h30



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Shelter 1500 – Rio dos Bugres Waterfall

The Rio dos Bugres Waterfall is a tourist attraction located 27 km from the city center of Urubici, in Santa Catarina. Com 218 meters high, it plummets into a gigantic cave at the base of the waterfall. The name Rio dos Bugres was given due to the presence of Kaigang Indians, also known as “4 x 4”, in the region.

The sources of the Rio dos Bugres originate from the region called Campo dos Padres, a high altitude plain. This field is abruptly interrupted by a giant cliff where the waterfall forms in the Rio dos Bugres canyon.. In the past, access to the upper part of Campo dos Padres, a 1500 metres of altitude, it was only possible by a simple dirt road, but today it is possible to reach the campsite with a regular car “Shelter 1500” and the lookout in front of the waterfall.

The path to the viewpoint of Cachoeira Rio dos Bugres is full of tree ferns and offers incredible views of the waterfall and Cachoeira da Angelina located on your right. To the right of the lookout point and the camping area, where you can find Cascade da Bigorna. The site offers a camping area., swing and bathroom, but, at the moment, no electricity.

The Rio dos Bugres Waterfall is a spectacular sight, which can be accessed by Highway SC-370. After arriving in the community of Santo Antônio, just turn left towards the community of Rio dos Bugres in Urubici.



– Visitation / Contemplation
– Snacks ;
-Custom Picnics;

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Morro do Campestre

Morro do Campestre has beautiful sandstone formations on top of a mountain overlooking the Canoas river valley, in Urubici.

Located on a private farm, the site underwent a complete restructuring. A great work carried out between 2018 and 2019 made access to the top of the mountain much easier, with ramps and stairs.

from above, in addition to the beautiful rock formations, you have beautiful panoramic views of the mountains and the Canoas river valley, below.
Check out what Morro do Campestre looks like.

Morro do Campestre is shaped by a group of sandstone rock formations, located on top of a mountain 1380 metres of altitude.

What draws the most attention is the passage between the rocks that looks like a door or window., that can be seen from afar.




Tourist spot: Every day 9 at 6 p.m

Paradouro: Second, thursday and sunday: 9 at 6 p.m
Friday and Saturday: 9 at 8 p.m

Don't work on Wednesdays



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Altos da Corvo Branco

Altos do Corvo Branco is a unique experience in Serra Catarinense. With easy access even for passenger vehicles, with six lookouts with panoramic views of the main points of Urubici – from the top of Morro da Igreja to Cânion do Espraiado. From the Canoas Valley to the coast of Santa Catarina. Contemplate the curves of Serra do Corvo from above and take your breath away with the most beautiful landscapes in the region.



Altos da Serra do Corvo Branco

📍 Tourist Park in Urubici/SC 🇧🇷
⏰ Access from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm – Except day of 🌧☁️
🍃 5 lookouts
☕️ Cafeteria

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Morro da Igreja / Pedra Furada

Located at 29 km do centro de Urubici, the hill is home to an aeronautics base that controls the airspace of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. It is the highest inhabited point in southern Brazil. The coldest official temperature in the country was recorded there. – 17,8 graus negativos, em 1996.

Intermittent wind makes the feeling of cold even more intense. In every winter there are, invariably, occurrence of snow. It is an unmissable tour and easily accessible when the weather is good. – the ascent of the hill, whose top is at 1.822 meters high, is paved.

From the top you have a privileged view of Pedra Furada, interesting formation that resembles a large natural window. Don't forget to bring warm clothes, because low temperatures are common even in summer. to avoid fog, the best visiting time is between 10am and 3pm. Visitors can pass the first gate, which is usually open, but are not allowed to enter the aeronautics area, from the second gate, which remains closed and secured around the clock.



Link to obtain Authorization below:



8h to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 4 pm.

The maximum length of stay in the lookout area is 15 MINUTES!


telephone: (49) 3278-4994

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  • Urubici attractions

Bridal Veil waterfall

Com 62 meters of fall, the cascade stands out among the more than 80 found in the city. There is no free fall: water glides by great cliffs. When there is greater flow, white foam makes the visual resemble a large Bridal Veil – Hence the name by which is known. The waterfall is located on private property, There is an on-site restaurant which also serves snacks. On the road of 300 meters between the parking lot and the base of the waterfall you can catch several birds from local wildlife – curiós, thrushes, Tico-ticos, woodpeckers, gaturamos, captains- -, in an explosion of sounds and colors. A suspended track 10 meters high, com 260 meters long, calling the treetops, allows the practice of tree climbing, modality that recently arrived in the country. The waterfall is on the way to the morro da igreja.



Bridal Veil waterfall

Morro da Igreja Urubici/SC
Access from 8 am to 6 pm

telephone: (49) 3236-1110
telephone: (49) 99135-2121

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Serra do Rio do Rastro

A Serra do Rio do Rastro é considerada um espetáculo à parte. Is known as the Queen of the abyss and is inserted in the Serra Geral range, a 1.460 m de altitude acima do nível do mar. Pelos ângulos de suas curvas, a estrada é considerada um desafio à engenharia.
Trata-se de um dos principais cartões-postais de Santa Catarina e o seu mirante é uma das atrações mais visitada da Serra Catarinense. A estrada que liga o litoral à região serrana do estado tem quase 300 curvas, desafia os motoristas e encanta quem passa por ela, com paisagens maravilhosas.
A Serra do Rio do Rastro está localizada entre os municípios de Lauro Müller e Bom Jardim da Serra, fazendo a ligação entre o litoral e a serra catarinense. De Urubici até chegar ao mirante que está localizado no topo da serra, é necessário percorrer 80 km.

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Sprawling Canyon

Located between the hills of the white Raven and the field of priests, the Sprawling Canyon has walls nearly vertical to 700 meters high, waterfalls, unique flora and climatic oscillations. Is far 42 km do centro de Urubici.
The location is conducive to the practice of trekking. It is more than 1,7 1000 meters from the sea level and it is possible to see part of the southern coast of Santa Catarina in days of clear skies.



The ticket can be purchased through the canyon's instagram, over the phone (49) 991712500 or through the website canionespraiado.lets.events


Week days: 9 wings 17 hours
Weekends: Service 24 hours


Cell phone: (49) 99171-2500

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Canyon das Laranjeiras

Located in São Joaquim National Park, inside Bom Jardim da Serra, This Canyon has amazing scenic beauty. The cracks, waterfalls and altitude show the force of nature and the grandeur of the world. His beautiful formation is far 69km of Urubici. It sure is one of the most beautiful spectacles of nature with an exuberant landscape. The altitude is 1.640 metros acima do nível do mar.
The depth varies between 300 and 500 meters and, in the days of clear sky, You can see the sea of Laguna. The feeling is peace. The wind with little Bush seems clear the soul.

The big CANION OF LARANJEIRAS it is one of the most spectacular monuments of nature, a treasure of indescribable magnitude and scenic beauty. Located in southern Brazil, in the Serra Catarinense, more precisely in the municipality of Bom Jardim da Serra, first city after the ascent of Serra do Rio do Rastro.

The Orange Canyon, despite being located within the demarcation of the São Joaquim National Park, it is still an area that has not been regularly acquired by IcmBio, therefore its preservation and environmental protection remains under the responsibility of its owners, either because of the environmental awareness that for decades has been ingrained in the generations that today own the property, as well as the simple application of environmental laws (constitution of legal reserves, Forest Code, Atlantic Forest Law). Therefore, because it is still a privately owned area, even within park boundaries, need permission for visitors to enter.

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Serra do white Raven

Distant 28 km from the city centre, the tangle of cliffs and mountains, where the SC-439, borders between Urubici and Grain- Stop. The highest point is the 1.740 m altitude and the stretch of road, a 1.479 m. The saw has a striking visual, that begins the rift that cuts two huge stone walls with 90 m tall, considered the largest in the country.
The place is very beautiful and surrounded by walls, But what draws the most attention is the road that descends in the direction of Urubici the Grão Pará. She is giddy, revealing entirely wild scenery.

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Sete Quedas Waterfall

This attraction sits on private property, at a distance of 6 km do centro de Urubici, whose input is possible upon payment of a nominal fee for visitation. Are seven waterfalls that can be visited along the 1,800 m of the river Seven Falls. The route is done inside of the river, about stones. The back is by a dirt road. The ride takes 2 a 3 hours – or more, If you want to shower in all the waterfalls (highly recommended).




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Array our Lady mother of Men

In Gothic style, is one of the largest churches in the State, conceived by Fr. José Alberto Espíndola, whose remains are in the interior of the Church. The father gained fame as a Saint and assigns it a number thanks.
The Church has four fronts, symbolizing the social equality. Like this, the façade is replicated on the other three sides of the temple. The colorful stained-glass Windows in zigzag, the inner matrix, represent the high faith to heaven. In the dome, is an image of our Lady mother of Men, Patron Saint of the town of Urubici.

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Eagle stone

The Eagle stone it is a sandstone formation whose outline resembles the design of an eagle with open wings. 30 km from the Centre of Urubici, the location is frequented by practicing rappelling.
The visitation does not require Guide, but it is advisable to previous contact with the Secretary of tourism of the city, because, Depending on the weather, the road may be impassable.

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Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto

Point of religious pilgrimage, is in the town of Santa Terezinha, a 10 km do centro de Urubici, on the way to the Morro da Igreja. Is a natural cave, surrounded by walls, in which since 1944 There is the image of our Lady of Lourdes.
A waterfall with more than ten meters high completes the charm of the scenario. On the site is held in October the Pilgrimage of penance is a mystical place with strong energy.


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Cave Rio dos Bugres

The road is the same of the Morro da Igreja, However, you turn left before the Morro da Igreja. After turning on the left, walk approximately five miles to a mill. On the right side of this mill, There is a Concierge, You must open and go through a few more 600 m. The total distance from the Center is 11 km.
Legend has it that the caves were excavated by the Indians (Hence the name “4 x 4”), serving as a shelter against the cold. They are short, and if interconnect.




Open Monday to Sunday with service 24 hours


telephone: 49 9128 2937
telephone: 49 8409 8257

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  • Urubici attractions

Rupestrian Inscriptions and Guardian of Avencal

Entries are part of the main archaeological site of Urubici and one of the most important of Santa Catarina. Are four panels carved in a wall of rocks of the Hill of sipping some good wine, left by ancient peoples who inhabited the region, in places considered sacred, with approximately 4.000 years. It is situated on the Hill of sipping some good wine, the five km from the Centre of Urubici.



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  • Urubici attractions

Urubici Secret Garden

Located in the charming town of Urubici, in the lush Serra Catarinense, the Ville de France Secret Garden is private property, for years the refuge of the Duarte Family.
The whole family worked in the event segment in SC and across the south of the country, and I already had many acquaintances and partners in this area (due to the know-how acquired in decades of work).

Friends, work partners and closest people, enchanted by the beauty and uniqueness of the place, suggested that the space also be opened to the public for some exclusive experiences.

It was then that the idea of ​​expanding access to the site arose.! Today, Jardim Secreto opens its doors so that a select public can also enjoy the space in different ways – taking a GUIDED TOUR, hosting an INTIMIST EVENT or DESTINATION WEDDING, scheduling a PHOTO SHOW with us!




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In Urubici, two companies offer ATV tours. Being Rancho da Montanha Urubici and Leão da Montanha ATV Tours.

Urubici Mountain Ranch, working with ATV tours and horseback riding, from 2018, in order to bring happiness to all residents and tourists who come to Urubici.

⏰ OPEN every day – except Wednesdays – das 9h as 17h!
📲 Whats: (49)99966-8143

Urubici Mountain Lion, working with ATV tours.

🌱 Ecotourism
🛺 ATVs
📍 Morro da Igreja general road km 6,5.
🗓 Monday and Tuesday by appointment only
☎️ WhatsApp link below



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Horseback Riding in the Region

One of the great adventures that you can practice in Urubici and region refers to unforgettable horseback riding for Prairies, rivers and canyons. Even though I'm not a fan of the equestrian practice, is simple and easy to adapt to the gentle and beautiful horses typical of serra catarinense, the Creoles. The vision that breaks down the barriers of canyons and goes beyond the plain on a horse is indescribable.


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  • Urubici attractions